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Our customer is focusing on four therapeutic areas: neurology and immunology; oncology; fertility; and cardiology metabolism and endocrinology, with a clear ambition to become a global specialty innovator.
In recent years, our customer has doubled down on data visibility, data access, and data democratization. Initially they invested in knowledge graph databases, the underlying technology for bringing together different internal data sources which in turn serve as use cases on specific applications.
They needed help to streamline their own knowledge graph of internal data and supplement it with a richer database of public knowledge. The challenge was to combine their strictly controlled GXP infrastructure with less strictly controlled public data sources to increase the context of the data and serve it up for end-users and machine users. They needed to find a way to achieve this that allows their researchers to easily query both, while keeping the resources separate but seamlessly connected.
ONTOFORCE started working with them to expand and build out the semantic layer, combining their underlying graph database technology with the DISQOVER technology that brings in public data. This combines all the various dictionaries for capabilities, taxonomies, and ontologies, combined with both an easy-to-use user interface and application programming interface (API).
The first step was to define where to start. Where were they missing information? Where does information need to be cleaned up? This was defined through a series of workshops to allow an effective prioritization on how to approach such a large journey of data transformation. ONTOFORCE began operating within the customer’s enterprise ecosystem, considering the connection to both upstream and downstream systems and integrating with necessary security measures. A wide range of sources were integrated, including internal relational databases like Oracle, public databases and API connections from external data providers such as Clarivate and Informa, as well as graph databases and different types of graph plugins that allowed the customer to automate a variety of processes. This was all incorporated into a platform that was fully branded according to the customers own internal IT architecture.
The first use case in the regulatory domain was an IDMP case (identification of medical products) which is a new strategy driven by the European regulator EMA. As guidelines for IDMP evolved, ONTOFORCE combined the various data domains together in the graph database according to the five relevant ISO standards. Then the DISQOVER non-GXP layer was added on top, providing connections and mappings between all the different data points. This is not only a richer layer, but it is easier and faster to bring it together because it is not subject to the same controls and regulations as the GXP system.
Data democratization was enabled through a unique way of extracting the data from the underlying operational layer, adding in the data model, and applying semantics and ontologies in a way that allows the non-data experts to query and retrieve relevant and complete information. This means that the data can be navigated effectively across the entire pharmaceutical value chain in a much more automated and coherent way. In gaining this visibility of the data quality across internal systems and data, as well as visibility of licensed data, it became clear where further investment and effort was needed for data cleanup.
A further beneficial outcome of this data integration was a project based around in silico target identification. Information on genes, proteins, and diseases was aligned and analyzed in downstream algorithms. The benefit of DISQOVER here was to harmonize and provide a clear overview of the data, while offering control and flexibility in data modeling that was specifically tailored to their needs, offering much more visibility and transparency into how the data were harmonized than would a standard service solution. That target identification is combined with a competitive landscaping to provide insights into what can be done from a biological and chemical perspective and also where it makes economic and scientific sense to focus, based on the company’s specific expertise.
Combining a highly regulated GXP knowledge graph of data with less strictly controlled public data sources in a way that allowed researchers to query both easily, keeping the sources separate but seamlessly connected.
Through close collaboration and development with ONTOFORCE, DISQOVER provides flexible data modeling and data ingestion that is fully transparent and under the customer’s complete control.
Using a lot of prebuilt and prepackaged public data allowed for fast integration, decreasing the time needed to build upon the business request. DISQOVER facilitates the use of human and machine interfaces combined with the application of the FAIR data principles of being findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Integrating internal and external licensed data with public data allows competitive landscaping during target identification to pinpoint the best development opportunities.
DISQOVER’s intuitive user interface makes it pretty easy to onboard users and for them to start exploring the internal and external data. ONTOFORCE does not just provide a framework, but a massive package of pre-linked external data that you can immediately plug your internal data into. It can change the mindsets of colleagues who are used to working in data silos and not connecting data,” states our customer’s data strategist.
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