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Gain insights from public, private and third-party data

DISQOVER excels in connecting diverse data sources seamlessly, including

  • public databases: NCBI (the National Center for Biotechnology Information), EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute), Ensembl, HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) and more.
  • private or internal data: ELN, BioAssays, patient data, trial results, invitro study data, patent data, competitor data, KOL information, reports...
  • third-party data or licensed data:  Cortelis/Clarivate, Biorelate, Citeline….

By ensuring that all relevant data is accessible and integrated, DISQOVER provides a comprehensive view that supports informed decision-making in drug development. 

With DISQOVER’s remote data subscription (RDS), you can benefit from a single, unified data exploration environment that integrates your own data with the widest possible range of public databases.

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DISQOVER’s powerful knowledge graph 2

Maximize the value of data with DISQOVER’s powerful knowledge graph

Enhance data through semantic enrichment, leveraging knowledge graph functionality to connect and contextualize data, making it more meaningful and easier to analyze.

Additionally, AI-generated outputs can be fed back into the knowledge graph, enriching them with graph data and making them available for human exploration and reuse. By doing so, DISQOVER not only ensures the accuracy of AI-derived insights but also maintains robust data provenance, enabling a more reliable and traceable analysis process.

Grow your knowledge from structured and unstructured data

DISQOVER leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) to extract valuable insights from unstructured data. This powerful feature ensures that all relevant information is captured and made accessible, providing a complete and nuanced understanding of your data landscape.

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Utilize self-service data ingestion with easy-to-use data pipeline tools

Streamline your data ingestion process with DISQOVER’s easy-to-use data pipeline tools . DISQOVER enables rapid and efficient data integration, allowing you to quickly extract valuable insights from your data. The intuitive UI is specifically designed for domain experts, making it easier than ever to wrangle and harmonize diverse data sources without the need for extensive technical expertise.

Are you ready to discover new insights in your data?

Book a meeting