Interview HR

Meet our People

On teamwork, overcoming technical hurdles, and thriving within a company

Christophe De Loor and Jan Deneweth
Senior Front-End Engineer and Back-End Engineer

Interview with Christophe De Loor, Senior Front-End Engineer, and Jan Deneweth, Back-End Engineer 

In this new article in our 'Meet Our People' series, we're putting the spotlight on our R&D team and introducing you to two of our software engineers: Christophe De Loor, Senior Front-End Engineer, and Jan Deneweth, Back-End Engineer. Both have had a substantial impact in advancing our product, DISQOVER, and in the evolution of ONTOFORCE.

From hardware to front-end 

Christophe joined ONTOFORCE in January 2018 as a Front-End Engineer. His path to ONTOFORCE was unconventional, starting his career as a hardware engineer and gradually transitioning into software. ONTOFORCE offered him the first opportunity to focus exclusively on software, which intrigued him, alongside the innovative product and ONTOFORCE's founding story. “When I started, the company had about 15 to 20 people. I didn't apply for a specific role but was drawn by the product's potential,” Christophe recalls. “The technical challenges here are fascinating. To this day, we constantly push boundaries and deal with complex problems that require innovative solutions.”

Embracing the technical challenge 

Jan, who came onboard in April 2022 as a Back-End Engineer, was searching for a role in the life sciences sector and found the complex issues at ONTOFORCE compelling. “It's a very interesting technical challenge,” Jan notes. “We need to think deeply about how to achieve our goals and deal with challenges. There’s a lot of ambition, and we have to prioritize effectively.”


Christope De Loor Senior Front End Engineer
The technical challenges here are fascinating. To this day, we constantly push boundaries and deal with complex problems that require innovative solutions.

The evolution of ONTOFORCE and DISQOVER  

Since joining, both Christophe and Jan have witnessed significant growth and evolution in ONTOFORCE and DISQOVER. “DISQOVER has grown from being a search engine to incorporating analytics and a robust data ingestion engine. Even more, the focus has shifted from merely adding features to enhancing usability and scalability,” Christophe explains. Jan adds: “There was indeed a major shift in mentality from a startup mode of ‘go fast and break things’ to a more structured scale-up approach. Now, we have a long-term vision and roadmap which takes into account user experience and usability. We want to build an innovative yet sustainable product for our customers.”

Collaboration and growth 

One of the most rewarding aspects of their roles is the collaboration and intellectual stimulation that come with solving complex problems. “The technical challenges are my favorite part of the job. Collaborating with colleagues to find the right solutions is very fulfilling. The fact that everyone's opinion is heard and respected makes it a great environment to work in,” says Christophe. Jan echoes this sentiment: “I enjoy the opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues and to be involved in the thought process of solving problems. It’s intellectually satisfying and something to be proud of.”


Jan Deneweth Back-End Engineer
I enjoy the opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues and to be involved in the thought process of solving problems. It’s intellectually satisfying and something to be proud of.

Why ONTOFORCE stands out 

Both Christophe and Jan appreciate the collaborative culture and the company’s flat hierarchy, which fosters an environment where everyone is easily accessible and approachable. “ONTOFORCE values collaboration among colleagues, with less hierarchy and more flexibility. The international aspect is also enjoyable,” Christophe points out. Jan concludes: “The flexibility and the strong focus on personal development make ONTOFORCE a great place to work. The team-based structure and increased collaboration within R&D have significantly improved our working dynamics.”

Looking forward

As ONTOFORCE continues to grow and evolve, Christophe and Jan are excited about the future. They look forward to contributing to the ongoing development and success of DISQOVER and helping customers unlock the full potential of their data.

It’s an exciting time for data and ONTOFORCE

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