DISQOVER for clinical trial opportunities ONTOFORCE


DISQOVER for identifying clinical trial opportunities

Clinical study design and clinical trials are all about spotting the right opportunities at the right time. Depending on your role in the process, this can take various forms, from figuring out which treatments are worth setting up trials for to determining which sites to partner with, and everything in between. With its unique semantic search capabilities and data science intelligence, DISQOVER opens up a whole new range of possibilities.

"On average, data researchers spend around one day per week gathering information."

Unlock the value of semantic search

With DISQOVER, researchers and study designers gain access to a wealth of data from disparate sources that can be easily compared and visualized insightfully. This revolutionizes several main activities, such as:

  • finding similar trials, trials addressing similar issues, or trials applying similar techniques, for a more comprehensive literature review;
  • discovering possible new endpoints or measures used in similar studies;
  • determining the suitability of eligibility criteria and identifying potentially significant omissions;
  • analyzing existing studies for criteria associated with failures to boost chances of success
  • identifying the most suitable sites for a study based on their previous experience with similar trials or the potential to expand their portfolio.
  • identifying which sites are most likely to attract patients who will respond to the studied treatment.
  • finding out whether a site has the capabilities to carry out a trial in a specific area, such as patient recruitment, data management and analysis, and more.
DISQOVER identifying clinical trial opportunities

Advantages of DISQOVER for identifying clinical trial opportunities


Multiple data sources

Integrates data from a range of sources and automatically recognizes studies reported multiple times and merges the information


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Filter criteria across databases

Standardizes filter criteria across databases – e.g., trial phase – and maps these to concepts for further contextual enrichment – including intervention type, sponsor, study site and characteristics, etc.

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Data provenance

Allows users to 'backtrack' links to identified concepts, including indication, intervention, study site, sponsor, and investigator.


Personalized features

Creates comprehensive dashboards that offer insights from a chosen point of view, e.g., the disease, the site, the company, or the treatment.

Search, filter, and compare clinical studies

DISQOVER is built upon intelligent semantic search and filter technologies to make this possible. These enable users to reduce a large set of clinical studies and other data points into a manageable subset. Under the hood is a powerful engine that…

Demo video

See DISQOVER in action: searching clinical study sites

In this demo, you will discover how to find clinical study sites related to a specific subset of clinical studies. The integration and harmonization of multiple clinical study repositories make finding insights into the 500.000+ available clinical studies fast and easy.

Harness the power of semantic search to spot the ideal clinical trial opportunities

Experience a live walkthrough of DISQOVER with one of our experts, and get to see how our powerful knowledge discovery platform can help you accelerate your drug development activities.

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