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  • Duration: 36 min

DISQOVER for chemistry search

Chemical research and in particular medicinal chemistry hinges on ingenuity and creativity. Despite our current knowledge of the fundamentals of chemical reactions, design, and chemical synthesis, it is still a gamble to seek bio-active molecules with maximum efficacy and minimum toxicity. This process of empirical research relies on continuously improving experimental work and staying up-to-date about whats going on in the domain. There is therefore a need to use different public data sources ranging from biology and pharmacy to chemistry, and to combine them with internal project information, chemical synthesis data, chemical libraries, bio-assays, and more.

With DISQOVER, chemists and researchers are able to combine chemical structure and property searches, creating a more integrated drug development or chemical research workflow. This webinar further details this process.

What you will learn


Link public and private data

How public data sources are integrated and can be linked to internal or third-party chemical data. Information about data types such as chemicals and active substances can be searched, explored, and filtered with DISQOVER.


Third-party data integration

How a third-party data source can be integrated and used to explore semantic links between chemicals and substructures.


Search interface for the end user

Next to the typical text-based search, DISQOVER’s search page can be extended with a chemical drawing canvas. This opens a wealth of possibilities to draw or insert chemical structures and initiate a similarity or substructure search.


FILIP PATTYN Scientific Advisor
Learn how to search by chemical name, chemical structure or related content
FILIP PATTYN Scientific Advisor DISQOVER Platform ONTOFORCE (2)

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